I have this dockerfile
FROM rabbitmq:3.7.12-management
CMD . /files/envinfo && echo $RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER && rabbitmq-server
In the envinfo I have this content
export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER='anothername'
When the docker starts up the echo of RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER really prints out anothername. But when the service starts it doesnt see it.
If I set the environment variable another way from the kubernetes file it works as it should.
You can see the rabbitmq image I extend here. https://github.com/docker-library/rabbitmq/blob/35b41e318d9d9272126f681be74bcbfd9712d71b/3.8/ubuntu/Dockerfile
I have another process that fetches the file and puts it in /files/envinfo to make it available for this docker image when it starts. So I cant use environment settings from kubernetes.
Looking forward to hear some suggestions =)
You can try to debug it further:
1) Connect to the container and check if the env variable set within it
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
Then in your container:
2) Use the Kubernetes evironment variable configuration instead of script execution in CMD
See the docs.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: envar-demo
purpose: demonstrate-envars
- name: envar-demo-container
image: gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0
value: "Hello from the environment"
value: "Such a sweet sorrow"
Note: I suspect that an evironment variable set within the CMD command is not available in all shells of the container, e.g. when you open a new bash within it. This is what the Kubernetes config takes care of.
I agree with @code-gorilla use Kubernetes environment variables. But another way to do it is to source the environment variables before the entry point:
ENTRYPOINT ["source /files/envinfo && docker-entrypoint.sh"]
Overriding CMD
will only change the argument to ENTRYPOINT
, that's probably why it doesn't work for you.