I had a log that looks like the following. What "over" in the age field signifies - some thing like "(x2 over 109s)"
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 110s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/liveness-exec to minikube
Warning Unhealthy 60s (x3 over 70s) kubelet, minikube Liveness probe failed: cat: can't open '/tmp/healthy': No such file or directory
Normal Killing 60s kubelet, minikube Container liveness failed liveness probe, will be restarted
Normal Pulling 30s (x2 over 109s) kubelet, minikube Pulling image "k8s.gcr.io/busybox"
Normal Pulled 28s (x2 over 105s) kubelet, minikube Successfully pulled image "k8s.gcr.io/busybox"
Normal Created 28s (x2 over 105s) kubelet, minikube Created container liveness
Normal Started 28s (x2 over 105s) kubelet, minikube Started container liveness
Such numbers mean that the event occured N
times over a period of T
seconds. In your example (x3 over 70s)
means that the event occured 3 times over a period of 70 seconds. 60 seconds ago liveness probe failed 3 times.
Looking at the describePod
and Describe
funcs from staging/src/k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/describe/describe.go
should give you a better picture of it.
Take a look: kubectl-describe-scdebug-kubernetes-crashloopbackoff/, kubernetes-configure-liveness-and-readiness-probes.