Ngnix Ingress Controller with for Long term support


I see many different Nginx implementation.

  1. I see some post saying stable/nginx-ingresschart is deprecated, move toingress-nginx/nginx-ingress` chat.

  2. This project has two Nginx images NGINX: 0.34.1 & ingress-nginx-2.16.0 what is the difference between these two images.

Which Nignx Helm Chat to use for Long term support.

Thanks SR

-- sfgroups

1 Answer


The ingress-nginx-2.x.x helm chart uses the nginx-x.x.x container. You don't normally need to reference the container image directly when using helm chart as that is set in the default values.

Helm itself moved a major version recently, from 2 -> 3 which caused a lot of changes to how helm repos are structured which is why you see the "deprecated" message in the old Helm 2 stable repo.

I don't believe the ingress-nginx project has an LTS release strategy. Just use a latest 2.X release or n-1 if you want to protect yourself from unexpected changes which get thrown in occasionally.

NGINX (the company) do provide their own alternative NGINX kubernetes-ingress project if you are looking for commercial support.

-- Matt
Source: StackOverflow