Cluster Name in GKE


I am a newbie to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and I am trying to understand the object model behind it all with respect to clusters.

If I look at the clusters screen, I can see a list of my clusters :

enter image description here

But if I use the command line (kubectl), then I see something completely different :

enter image description here

Why are there two different types of cluster names? Which one is the correct cluster name?

Is it cluster-2 or gke_strange-vortex-286312_us-central1-c_cluster-2 ?

This is massively confusing.

-- Oliver Watkins

1 Answer


Naming scheme of GKE clusters found in $ kubectl config get-contexts is following:


For example:

  • gke_AWESOME-PROJECT-123456_europe-west3-c_super-cluster

From the GCP perspective the correct name is: super-cluster.

You will need to use the name pointed in either (they are the same):

  • Cloud Console (UI)
  • $ gcloud container clusters list

For example:

  • $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials super-cluster --zone=europe-west3-c).

It's important to use --zone=ZONE as there can be clusters named the same in different zones/regions.

Above command will fetch the cluster endpoint and auth data. It will also set the ~/.kube/config to target super-cluster.

You don't need to use the gke_PROJECT-ID_europe-west3-c_super-cluster unless you would like to change context (which cluster are you issuing commands to) with $ kubectl and not $ gcloud command

The naming scheme used in ~/.kube/config is used to distinguish one cluster (contexts wise) from another.

Additional resources:

-- Dawid Kruk
Source: StackOverflow