Dockerize vue js front end and spring boot backend and deploy on kubernetes cluster


I have developed spring boot backend and vue js front end I could successfully deploy the spring boot app and create cluster ip service for spring boot app but I have never work with NPM project on docker and kubernetes. I also have problem in Axios when I locally testing backend and frontend I give (localhost:backendport/endpoint) for axios and how can I adapt it to kubernetes. should I give cluster ip service name instead of localhost:port/endpoint -> clusteripservice/endpoint if so how can I externalize the configurations and how can I deploy both app.

here is Axios call

import axios from 'axios'

const API_URL = 'http://localhost:8084'
//const API_URL = '/'

class UserDataService {

    retrieveAllUsers() {

        return axios.get(`${API_URL}/user/getall`);


export default new UserDataService()  
-- HashanR

1 Answer


Idea is to use nginx as your app container and proxy pass to proxy to back-end. So you need to define location for your api, i.e. /api and proxy that.

Then if you are using axios, you would call all back-end endpoints on relative path, i.e.


So you do not need to worry about hostname in calls to back-end.

Also, for development you similarly use vue.js development settings to also proxy back-end via npm.

See my toy project here for details how it's done: Deployment piece - UI piece -

Specifically nginx settings with proxy configuration - (note that it's using websockets which you may remove if you're not using them). Specifically vue development server configuration -

Write up on CI / CD workings (unrelated to your question but maybe useful) -

-- taleodor
Source: StackOverflow