I have Kubernetes 1.17.5 and Istio 1.6.8 installed with demo profile.
And here is my test setup nginx-ingress-controller -> proxy<->ServiceA -> proxy<->ServiceB
When I'm sending requests to ingress controller I can see that ServiceA receives all required tracing headers from the proxy
x-b3-traceid: d9bab9b4cdc8d0a7772e27bb7d15332f
x-request-id: 60e82827a270070cfbda38c6f30f478a
x-envoy-internal: true
x-b3-spanid: 772e27bb7d15332f
x-b3-sampled: 0
x-forwarded-proto: http
Problem is x-b3-sampled is always set to 0 and no spans/traces are getting pushed to Jaeger
Few things I've tried 1. I've added Gateway and VirtualService to ServiceA to expose it through Istio ingressgateway. When I send traffic through ingressgateway everything works as expected. I can see traces ingress-gateway->ServiceA->ServiceB in the JaegerUI 2. I've also tried to install Istio with custom config and play with tracing related parameters with no luck.
Here is the config I've tried to use
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1
kind: IstioOperator
enableTracing: true
sampling: 100
enabled: true
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: true
traceSampling: 100
After few days of digging I've figured it out. Problem is in the format of the x-request-id
header that nginx ingress controller uses.
Envoy proxy expects it to be an UUID (e.g. x-request-id: 3e21578f-cd04-9246-aa50-67188d790051
) but ingrex controller passes it as a non-formatted random string (x-request-id: 60e82827a270070cfbda38c6f30f478a
). When I pass properly formatted x-request-id header in the request to ingress controller its getting passed down to envoy proxy and request is getting sampled as expected. I also tried to remove
x-request-id header from the request from ingress controller to ServiceA with a simple EnvoyFilter. And it also works as expected. Envoy proxy generates a new x-request-id and request is getting traced.