How to show all deployments/daemonsets which mount specific configmap/secret?


Sometimes, I want to explore all deployments/daemonsets which mount specific configmap/secret.

Is there any way can achieve this by kubectl?

-- Stephen Chen

1 Answer


You need to have jq to do such a complex queries. Here you go:

kubectl get -o json deploy,daemonset | jq '[.items[] | . as $parent | .spec.template.spec.volumes[]? | select(.configMap != null) | {kind:$parent.kind, name:$,}]'

The jq command de-constructed:

[ // output as array
  .items[] // iterate over root key 'items'
  . as $parent // store the current entry as $parent to refer to it later
  .spec.template.spec.volumes[]? // iterate over its volumes (the ? to prevent error if there is no volume
  select(.configMap != null) // select only those volumes with configMap key 
  {kind:$parent.kind, name:$,} // now construct the output using $parent's kind and name and the configMap's name

Example output:

    "kind": "Deployment",
    "name": "telemetry-agent",
    "configMap": "telemetry-config-map"
    "kind": "DaemonSet",
    "name": "fluent-bit",
    "configMap": "fluent-bit"
    "kind": "DaemonSet",
    "name": "telegraf",
    "configMap": "telegraf"

N.B. If you want to find specific configMap, just replace the select() clause .configMap != null to == "specific-configmap". Also, feel free to add --all-namespaces to the kubectl get command if you want to query from all namespaces

-- Lukman
Source: StackOverflow