Now I got a logs volume:
- name: log
path: /opt/cloud/logs/sample
and when I execute cd /opt/cloud/logs/sample;df -h .
, it shows:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 40G 11G 27G 29% /opt/cloud/logs/sample
My question is: where is the 40G number came from? Is there a way to limit this to another number like 30GB? What happens if the container used up 40G, get evicted or the disk size just magically bump to a higher number?
I just find out 40G is the size of host disk. But if I use an emptyDir instead of hostPath, it only got 9.8G size,which corresponded to size of /mnt/paas/kubernetes/kubelet
on the host, which I have no idea what it is or why it is 9.8G.
k8s version:
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"11", GitVersion:"v1.11.9", GitCommit:"16236ce91790d4c75b79f6ce96841db1c843e7d2", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-03-25T06:40:24Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.8", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"13+", GitVersion:"v1.13.10-r1-CCE2.0.28.B001", GitCommit:"0de6083f712a799642f25141c60fdeff34d5514c", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-10-30T14:19:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.11.13", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
where is the 40G number came from?
The hostPath
volume type is a node filesystem volume, volume is determined by the medium of the filesystem holding the kubelet root dir.
Is there a way to limit this to another number like 30GB?
There is no limit on how much space an emptyDir
or hostPath
volume can consume, and no isolation between Containers
or between Pods
Your pod will have write error
because the filesystem will be full.