How to propagate a Kubernetes operator error to kubectl command line?


I have a Kubernetes operator that creates a new Deployment based upon the custom resource configuration. There are some error conditions that will cause a failure and the Deployment creation step is skipped. Is it possible to have the error text displayed on the command line?

At the moment I have:

err := validateSettings()
if err != nil {
    // Log the error
    logger.Error(err, "The Deployment settings are invalid")

    // I also record the event in the custom object
    r.recorder.Event(object, "Warning", "Failed", err.Error())

    return reconcile.Result{}, err

When a user creates the custom object, the deployment is not created but the command line says that the custom object was created successfully.

# kubectl apply -f myobject.yaml created

The logs for the operator show the error and the a describe of the custom object show the event. I was hoping to have the event text displayed after the kubectl apply command.

-- Kerry Gunn

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