Prometheus - query to detect the number of pods that existed in the last 24 hours


I'm still getting to grips with PromQL. I wrote this query in an attempt to detect the number of kubernetes pods that existed in the last 24 hours within a given namespace.

My process here was:

  • Get the metric filtered to the relevant name-spaces (any airflow ones).
  • Get that metric over 24 hours.
    • Each pod will just have lots of duplicates of the same creation time here.
  • Use increase() to get the range vectors for each pod back into instant vectors. The value will always be 0 as the creation time does not increase.
  • Now that we have 1 value per pod, use count() to see how many existed in that time frame.

Can anyone that knows prometheus well tell me if this logic follows? Since it isn't a normal database/etc I'm having trouble working out how to validate this query. It "looks" like it probably does the right thing when expanded out to a day though.

-- John Humphreys

2 Answers


The following query should return the number of pods that existed in the last 24 hours:


The last_over_time(kube_pod_created[24h]) returns time series for pods that existed in the last 24 hours (see last_over_time() docs). The count() returns the number of such time series, which equals to the number of pods that existed in the last 24 hours.

-- valyala
Source: StackOverflow


I'd recommend substituting increase() with count_over_time(), since increase may miss short-living pods with lifetime smaller than 2x scrape interval. The following query should return the total number of pods seen during the last 24 hours:

-- valyala
Source: StackOverflow