ClusterIP with externalIPs - can't be accessed from outside the cluster


In the past I've tried NodePort service and if I add a firewall rule to the corresponding Node, it works like a charm:

  type: NodePort
    - nodePort: 30000
      port: 80
      targetPort: 5000

I can access my service from outside and long as the node has an external IP(which it does by default in GKE). However, the service can only be assigned to 30000+ range ports, which is not very convenient. By the way, the Service looks as follows:

 kubectl get service -o=wide
NAME                     TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE   SELECTOR
web-engine-service   NodePort   <none>        80:30000/TCP   11m   app=web-engine-pod

Recently, I've come across a different configuration option that is documented here. I've tried is as it seems quite promising and should allow to expose my service on any port I want.
The configuration is as follows:

    - name: web-port
      port: 80
      targetPort: 5000

After the service updated, I can see that External IP is indeed assigned to it:

$ kubectl get service -o=wide
NAME                     TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)   AGE   SELECTOR
web-engine-service   ClusterIP   80/TCP    19m   app=web-engine-pod

(where - Node's external IP in GKE)

And yet, my app is not available on the Node's IP, unlike in the first scenario(I did add firewall rules for all ports I'm working with including 80, 5000, 30000).

What's the point of externalIPs configuration then? What does it actually do?

Note: I'm creating a demo project, so please don't tell me about LoabBalancer type, I'm well aware of that and will get to that a bit later.

-- yuranos

2 Answers


In the API documentation, externalIPs is documented as (emphasis mine):

externalIPs is a list of IP addresses for which nodes in the cluster will also accept traffic for this service. These IPs are not managed by Kubernetes. The user is responsible for ensuring that traffic arrives at a node with this IP. A common example is external load-balancers that are not part of the Kubernetes system.

So you can put any IP address you want there, and it will show up in kubectl get service output, but it doesn't mean the cluster will actually accept traffic there.

To accept inbound traffic from outside the cluster, you need a minimum of a NodePort service; in a cloud environment a LoadBalancer service or an Ingress is a more common setup. You can't really short-cut around these. Conversely, a LoadBalancer isn't especially advanced or difficult, just change type: LoadBalancer in the configuration you already show and GKE will create the endpoint for you. The GKE documentation has a more complete example.

("Inside the cluster" and "outside the cluster" are different networks, and like other NAT setups pods can generally make outbound calls but you need specific setup to accept inbound calls. That's what a NodePort service does, and in the standard setup a LoadBalancer service builds on top of that.)

-- David Maze
Source: StackOverflow


I wanted to give you more insight on:

  • How you can manage to make it work.
  • Why it's not working in your example.
  • More information about exposing traffic on GKE.

How you can manage to make it work?

You will need to enter internal IP of your node/nodes to the service definition where externalIP resides.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-external
    app: hello
    version: 2.0.0
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80 # port to send the traffic to
      targetPort: 50001 # port that pod responds to 

Why it's not working in your example?

I've prepared an example to show you why it doesn't work.

Assuming that you have:

  • VM in GCP with:
    • any operating system that allows to run tcpdump
    • internal IP of:
    • external IP of:
    • allowed the traffic to enter on port: 1111 to this VM

You can run below command (on VM) to capture the traffic coming to the port: 1111:

  • $ tcpdump port 1111 -nnvvS
  • -nnvvS - don't resolve DNS or Port names, be more verbose when printing info, print the absolute sequence numbers

You will need to send a request to external IP: of your VM with a port of: 1111

  • $ curl

You will get a connection refused message but the packet will be captured. You will get an output similar to this:

tcpdump: listening on ens4, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
12:04:25.704299 IP OMMITED 
    YOUR_IP > Flags [S], cksum 0xd9a8 (correct), seq 585328262, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 6,nop,nop,TS val 1282380791 ecr 0,sackOK,eol], length 0
12:04:25.704337 IP OMMITED > YOUR_IP: Flags [R.], cksum 0x32e3 (correct), seq 0, ack 585328263, win 0, length 0

By that example you can see the destination IP address for your packet coming to the VM. As shown above it's the internal IP of your VM and not external. That's why putting external IP in your YAML definition is not working.

This example also works on GKE. For simplicity purposes you can create a GKE cluster with Ubuntu as base image and do the same as shown above.

You can read more about IP addresses by following link below:

More about exposing traffic on GKE

What's the point of externalIPs configuration then? What does it actually do?

In simple terms it will allow the traffic to enter your cluster. Request sent to your cluster will need to have destination IP the same as in the externalIP parameter in your service definition to be routed to the corresponding service.

This method requires you to track the IP addresses of your nodes and could be prone to issues when the IP address of your node will not be available (nodes autoscaling for example).

I recommend you to expose your services/applications by following official GKE documentation:

As mentioned before, LoadBalancer type of service will automatically take into consideration changes that were made to the cluster. Things like autoscaling which increase/decrease count of your nodes. With the service shown above (with externalIP) this would require manual changes.

Please let me know if you have any questions to that.

-- Dawid Kruk
Source: StackOverflow