Calling the pods using pod's name instead of host and port


I'm running set of micro-services inside of a local minikube cluster (using helm charts) which communicate each other. Each and every service's host and port passed via value-dev.yaml to the other services and communication works fine. Now I need go bit of further, and alter connection calling from http://helm-chart-name:PORT/ to http://helm-chart-name/ or http://service-pod-name/. I tried to do this but it didn't work. Is there way to achieve this?

-- Govinda Malavipathirana

2 Answers


If you need to access with pod, The DNS resolution is as follows: Given the ephemeral nature of pods and likelihood of running more than one pod of same kind, I would recommend using Service abstraction for intra-cluster communication like what you require. Services resolve to DNS of this format You can also have headless Service and resolve to Pod with specific (host)name. Refer to DNS Reolution details here

-- Vanitha Kumar
Source: StackOverflow


In your Services (specifically) set the port: number to 80. This is the default TCP port number for HTTP, so it's the port number that will get used if there's not a ...:12345 port number in a URL. The targetPort: needs to match whatever port the pod is listening on; it doesn't need to match the port:.

<!-- language: lang-yaml -->
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: {{ include "chart.fullname" . }}
    {{- include "chart.selectorLabels" . | nindent 4 }}
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      port: 80          # default HTTP port
      targetPort: 3000  # port number the matching Pod uses

Now other services can call http://helm-chart-name/ without explicitly giving a port number.

(You pretty much always need to use a Service to accept connections into a pod; you don't generally communicate directly to a pod, and aside from some specialized circumstances it's tricky to do so.)

-- David Maze
Source: StackOverflow