Is it possible to disable kubernetes dashboard tls check


I am login kubernetes dashboard in my local machine(, and I define a virutal domain name in /etc/hosts:

and now I am login kubernetes dashboard uing this domain, but it give me tips:

Insecure access detected. Sign in will not be available. Access Dashboard securely over HTTPS or using localhost. 

is it possbile to close kubernetes dashboard(kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.0.3) tls security check in kubernetes dashboard yaml? Because my kubernetes in localhost machine and do not need TLS security.Now my login dashboard look like this.

enter image description here

-- Dolphin

1 Answer


enable kubernetes dahboard http access:

    - name: kubernetes-dashboard
        image: 'kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.0.3'
        - '--namespace=default'
        - '--insecure-port=5443'

so you could using 5443 port to forward kubernetes dashboard access data, and do not need to login. But you should not do like this in production environment.

-- Dolphin
Source: StackOverflow