Is it ok to use Kubernetes autoscaling v2beta2 in production as apiVersion?


I have use case to scale pods (HPA) based on memory (and custom metrics).

However respective apiVersion is in beta (autoscaling/v2beta2).

Not sure when this will be in GA/stable version, hence checking.

Any advise for me?

-- Prakash Srinivasan

1 Answer


If you look at the Kubernetes API Versioning doc and the API deprecation policy doc there is no clear indication as to when autoscaling/v2 will be available (GA).

For example, in the next Kubernetes release, the API could be either autoscaling/v2beta2 or autoscaling/v2 depending on how the release/feature team feels about it in terms of satisfying 'Stability'

Having said that based on the deprecation policy and rule 4a here, you should be safe to use autoscaling/v2beta2 (for at least the next 3 Kubernetes releases after autoscaling/v2 or autoscaling/v2beta3 is announced.

So let's hypothetically say autoscaling/v2 is released with K8s 1.19, then autoscaling/v2beta2 would be available in Kubernetes 1.20, 1.21 and 1.22.

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow