Ubuntu 20.04 qemu-kvm sharing folders


I am using minikube on ubuntu and start with --driver=none. Since it is recommended to use kvm2(for linux host) and need to be root user with --driver=none, I am now switching to kvm2.

I have few kubernetes deployment using persistent volume and claims. When minikube started, it figures out to mount the host path to this volumes and running as expected.

Now in kvm2, these mounting is not working as it cannot find the host path. Is there any way to mount the host path to all the deployments automatically?

The idea is, to have central location say /data, as central persistent storage. Each deployment will have its own subfolder under /data. In the persistent storage, I will define the mountpath to use this subfolder. Is there any way to mount this host's /data folder to the pods automatically through configuration as one time setup? If there is any better way to achieve the persistent storage, please let me know.

-- Senthil

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