Kubernete NAT pod IP on Windows Nodes


I have a hybrid GKE Cluster running with some Linux and Windows nodes. I followed this how-to (https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/ip-masquerade-agent) in order to configure the masquerade for some of my networks and it works like a charm on Linux Nodes. But it doesn't work on the windows hosts, it gives me this error:

Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to start sandbox container for pod "ip-masq-agent-pc9vn": Error response from daemon: network host not found

Anyone knows how can I configure masquerade on Windows Nodes?

Adding details:

I know that Linux containers don't run on Windows nodes, so ip-masq-agent won't run on that node and I know that I can use taints or labels to avoid the pods to be scheduled on that node.

I use Windows nodes with kubernetes because I have some .Net Framework applications running on it, and it works fine. My problem is that I need to masquerade the connections from the pod to hosts outside of the cluster because the source connections are the Pod IPs, not the node IP.

On Linux machines, I can do that using ip-masq-agent, that mange Iptables rules to masquerade the traffic. But on Windows, the ip-masq-agent doesn't work, for the reasons that @Rico said in his answer.

I want to know if someone knows another way to achieve the same thing on Windows nodes.

I can use a "NAT Machine" holding all connections in the middle and route all traffic to that machine, but it's a really ugly way to do that.

Solution: I end up allowing the pod network to go through VPN. Thank you for all the replies.

-- Bruno R. Rodrigues

1 Answer


The simple answer is you can't. iptables is a Linux thing. Windows has some alternatives that you can use to set up NAT (netsh) like described here: https://superuser.com/questions/1088309/windows-10-nat-port-forwarding-ip-masquerade, but there's no specific K8s support so you will be on your own.

To make sure your ip-masq-agent doesn't get scheduled on your Windows nodes you can follow a NodeSelector, Taint/Toleration approach as described here.

A wider question would be what are you trying to run on the Windows machines? Windows containers are not interchangeable with Linux containers. If you want your Linux pods and Windows pods to talk to each other have you tried Flannel?

-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow