MountVolume.Setup failed for volume "spark-conf-volume"


We are running Spark Cluster on Kubernetes. When we submited jobs as below, driver pod and executer pods were all up and running. However, the application failed to work as expected, the root cause we suspected is that it failed to find the source path as specified by parameter "py-files". As we witnessed, the driver pod has a warning MountVolume.Setup failed for volume "spark-conf-volume". Would you please advise?

bin/spark-submit \
--master k8s://https://k8s-master-ip:6443  \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--name algo-vm \
--py-files hdfs://{our_ip}:9000/testdata/ \
--conf spark.executor.instances=2 \
--conf spark.driver.port=10000 \
--conf spark.port.maxRetries=1 \
--conf spark.blockManager.port=20000 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \
--conf spark.kubernetes.container.image.pullPolicy=Always \
--conf spark.kubernetes.pyspark.pythonVersion=3 \
--conf spark.kubernetes.container.image={our_ip}/sutpc/k8s-spark-242-entry/spark-py:1.0 \
--jars hdfs://hdfs-master-ip:9000/jar/spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11-2.4.5.jar,hdfs://{our_ip}:9000/jar/kafka-clients- \
-- Chenmingdong

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