Does helm update status after the underlying deployments are deleted?


Lets consider a scenario, I have a chart mychart-1.0 which is deployed.

NAME            NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                                  	STATUS  	CHART                                 	APP VERSION
mychart-1.0      test-ns	   1       	2020-06-10 22:49:40.700756598 -0700 -0700	deployed	nucleus-service-deployment-chart-1.0.0	          

This created kubernetes pods and deployments in test-ns namespace. I have deleted the pods and deployments using kubectl delete. The STATUS in helm list command still shows deployed. Is this supposed to be or something is wrong?

-- Rohit U B

1 Answer


Any kubernetes resources created by Helm should be managed by Helm .Even if you delete the Deployment or any other resources Helm status will be shown deployed. If you try to do Helm upgrade it will again create those deleted deployment. Whatever you do with the resources after creating from Helm, it doesn't matter,Helm will show deployed always unless changed via helm commands

-- Avinash Jha
Source: StackOverflow