What is the best practice to organize kubernetes tools (ELK, zipkin,..) by namespaces?


I have some tools running in my kubernetes cluster (ELK, zipkin,..) and i want to know in which namespace to place them, for example i have fluentd which is a daemonset running in kube-system namespace so should i place elasticsearch in the same namespace or put them together in a custom namespace so they can reach each other, i just want to know what is the best practice to do it

-- touati ahmed

1 Answer


I would say you can have fluentd in multiple namespaces and Elasticsearch in one namespace and fluentd can discover Elasticsearch via K8s internal DNS A/AAAA record e.g. elasticsearch.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local.

I don't have any link to the best practice, but I would show you a practice I saw from the community.

-- Tranvu Xuannhat
Source: StackOverflow