Helm base template which requires condition of sub-string comparison in range (loop)


I am trying build a base helm template for all my services which includes variables and secrets passing through configMaps from Values.yml like the following out of which some files are optional for few service but always '-configmap' '-secret' is followed :

      - common-configmap
      - <service-name>-configmap (optional)
      - common-secret
      - <service-name>-secret (optional)
      - others-configmap
      - others-secret

How do I write a condition in my template _deployment.yml to include above based on the name, if it has configmap it should go under configMapRef or else under secretRef


envFrom: {{- range .Values.configMaps }} <Condition in name> - configMapRef: name: {{ . }} <else Condition> - secretRef: name: {{ . }} {{- end }}

-- Sudhamsh Kandukuri

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