security tools for kubernetes


Is there any other alternative of kube-bench for ocp4.3 regarding cis benchmark or any replacement of kube-bench for using cis benchmark. I need a security tool that can check all the vulnerabilities in kubernetes cluster not only image scanning and configuration.

-- user13423405

2 Answers


Regarding security check, take a look at these tools:

Clair Clair is an open source project for the static analysis of vulnerabilities in the containers.

Aqua a container security platform

k8guard can check for common problems with your cluster and either take corrective action or just send you a notification about them.

Copper is a tool for checking your Kubernetes manifests before deploying them

Hope to be useful for you

-- Hamed
Source: StackOverflow


Inspec is recommended from Docker for running CIS Kubernetes benchmark.

Note: The above Inspec implementation provides - the CIS Kubernetes 1.5.0 Benchmark.

Also, kubeaudit might be of use - but I don't see specific CIS benchmark extension.

-- nitishagar
Source: StackOverflow