How can i upload Binary file like cert file as Config-map


How can i upload Binary file like cert file as Config-map

I am trying to upload Cert file like .p12 as config map but it's failing every time. After upload i do not see the file just entry.

Command that i used:

oc create configmap mmx-cert --from-file=xyz.p12


Also used:

oc create configmap mmx-cert--from-file=game-special-key=example-files/xyz.p12

Also failed.

-- Kul Bhushan Prasad

3 Answers


This is how i done.

1) Adding the cert to stage CAE:

With the cert in the same directory as you are running the oc command:

oc create secret generic mmx-cert --from-file='cert.p12'

2) Add the secret volume:

The next step is to create a volume for the secret. As a test, I was able to use the oc command to create the volume on the apache nodes. Since the apache nodes have a deployment config, it was straight forward. I took that test setup, and manually added it to the app pods. The pieces I added to the deployment yaml were:

- mountPath: /opt/webserver/cert/nonprod/
  name: mmxcert-volume

- name: mmxcert-volume
  defaultMode: 420
  secretName: mmx-cert

3) Verify the cert

md5sum cert.p12
-- Kul Bhushan Prasad
Source: StackOverflow


Not sure what's the command oc, but if you are talking about kubectl, please make sure you feed the proper parameter

kubectl create configmap mmx-cert --from-env-file=path/to/xyz.p12

Please go through help as well, the parameter --from-file is based on folder, not file.

$ kubectl create configmap --help
# Create a new configmap named my-config based on folder bar
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-file=path/to/bar
-- BMW
Source: StackOverflow


You cannot, ConfigMaps cannot contain binary data on their own. You will need to encode it yourself and decode it on the other side, usually base64. Or just a Secret instead, which can handle binary data.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow