kubernates few clarifications on some topics


I am new to k8s and i want to have few clarification on below questions, please let me know ur thoughts

  1. Does persistent volumes claims are confined to single namespace ?
  2. How many pod networks can we have per cluster ?
  3. Which namespace contains the infrastructure pods ?
  4. Does all objects are restricted to single namespace ?
  5. Does container offer a persistent storage that outlives the container ?
  6. What is the smallest object or unit(pod or container or replicaset or deployment) we can work with in k8s?
  7. does a deployment use a persistent volume or a persistent volume claim ?
  8. With deployment config spec which strategy(recreate or rollingupdate) allows us to control the updates to pod ?
  9. How can we start local proxy which is useful for development and testing ?
  10. Pod can have multiple ip address?
-- user2319726

2 Answers

  1. A PersistentVolumeClaim (kubectl get pvc) is confined to a Namespace. A PersistentVolume (kubectl get pv) is defined on cluster-level. Each namespace can access the PV which are not "Bound"
  2. You have to install one CNI (Container Network Interface) like calico or flannel. There you will specify a PodNetworkCIDR e.q. Then the IPAdressManagement of e.q. Calico will split that network into some smaller networks. Each Kubernetes Node get's his own Network from the Network.
  3. If you mean the Kubernetes "Infrastructure" it's mostly deployed to kube-system. To deploy you're own stuff like Monitoring, Logging, Storage you can create your own Namespaces
  4. No not all Objects are bound to a Namespace. With kubectl api-resources you will get an overview.
  5. There are a lot of storagetype (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#types-of-volumes). But if you not specify any volumes (PV) which are persistant, your files which are written in a container are gone if the container restarts.
  6. A Pod is the smallest Unit which can be addressed. A Pod could contain multiple container.
  7. A Deployment describes the state of the Pod. It's recommended to use a Deployment. You can start a Pod without a Deployment, but if you delete the Pod it will not be restarted by the Kubelet. (The following command creates a Pod without a Deployment: kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80 --restart=Never). For Storage, you would specify the PVC in the Deployment. But you have to create that PVC before.(https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-persistent-volume-storage/)
  8. Exactly, For e.q. a MySQL you would use recreate, for httpd you would use rolling.
  9. What do you mean with local proxy For local development you can have a look at minikube?
  10. No, a Pod has only 1 IP.
Source: StackOverflow

  1. Does persistent volumes claims are confined to single namespace ?

Persistent Volume Claims(PVC) is bound to namespace. PVC must exist in the same namespace as the Pod using the claim

  1. How many pod networks can we have per cluster ?

Default maximum of 110 Pods per node, Kubernetes assigns a /24 CIDR block (256 addresses) to each of the nodes.

  1. Which namespace contains the infrastructure pods ?

Generally kube-system

  1. Does all objects are restricted to single namespace ?

No, not all objects are restricted to single namespace. You can create objects in different namespaces.

  1. Does container offer a persistent storage that outlives the container ?

If you use PV/PVC then your storage must be persistent

  1. What is the smallest object or unit(pod or container or replicaset or deployment) we can work with in k8s?

A Kubernetes pod is a group of containers, and is the smallest unit that Kubernetes administers.

  1. does a deployment use a persistent volume or a persistent volume claim ?

You need to use PVC in deployment, in volume section like following

  - name: data
      claimName: <pvc name>
  1. With deployment config spec which strategy(recreate or rollingupdate) allows us to control the updates to pod ?

Recreate will terminate all the running instances then recreate them with the newer version. Rolling update follows defined strategy of how many instance will be down and recreate at a time.

  1. How can we start local proxy which is useful for development and testing ?

You can use port-forwarding

  1. Pod can have multiple ip address?

single pod have single ip address. details here

-- hoque
Source: StackOverflow