Rook ceph manager unhealthy on k3s cluster


Some time ago, I created a ceph cluster with rook on a single node k3s cluster, just to try and it worked very well. I was able to give storage to other pods through cephfs. I followed the example given in the rook quickstart documentation to do this.

However, two days ago, without any intervention on my part, the ceph cluster stopped working. It seems that the ceph manager pod have one issue: my pod rook-ceph-mgr-a-6447569f69-5prdw crash in loop and here are its events:

  Type     Reason       Age                    From                Message
  ----     ------       ----                   ----                -------
  Warning  BackOff      41m (x888 over 6h5m)   kubelet, localhost  Back-off restarting failed container
  Warning  Unhealthy    36m (x234 over 6h14m)  kubelet, localhost  Liveness probe failed: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
  Warning  FailedMount  31m (x2 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "rook-ceph-mgr-a-keyring" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
  Warning  FailedMount  31m (x2 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "rook-ceph-mgr-token-bf88n" : failed to sync secret cache: timed out waiting for the condition
  Warning  FailedMount  31m (x2 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "rook-config-override" : failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition
  Normal   Killing      28m (x2 over 30m)      kubelet, localhost  Container mgr failed liveness probe, will be restarted
  Normal   Pulled       28m (x3 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  Container image "ceph/ceph:v14.2.7" already present on machine
  Normal   Created      28m (x3 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  Created container mgr
  Normal   Started      28m (x3 over 31m)      kubelet, localhost  Started container mgr
  Warning  BackOff      6m47s (x50 over 22m)   kubelet, localhost  Back-off restarting failed container
  Warning  Unhealthy    63s (x28 over 30m)     kubelet, localhost  Liveness probe failed: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused

I don’t know if failed to sync secret cache is the cause or consequence. Is it a rook or k3s issue ?

No output with k3s kubectl logs rook-ceph-mgr-a-6447569f69-5prdw -n rook-ceph (adding -p change nothing)

Thank you for your help, this is my first question on stackoverflow, hoping it was made correctly :)

-- rootmout

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