Call from Kotlin a Java generic method defined with multiple bounds, one bound is itself a generic type


I am building a Kubernetes operator in Kotlin, and I try to call a generic method that is defined with multiple bounds. The method signature is the following:

<C extends Namespaceable<C> & KubernetesClient> LeaderElectorBuilder<C> leaderElector();

You can find the source code here:

The multiple bounds syntax in Java allows to define multiple constraints on a type used in a generic class or method definition. See

I try to call that method in Kotlin, but it fails to infer the type, and none of my definitions are accepted by the compiler.

If I do:


Kotlin will complain that there is "Not enough information to infer type variable C".

Any explicit type is refused, typically:


Kotlin will complain that "Type argument is not within its bounds. Expected: Namespaceable<KubernetesClient!>! Found: KubernetesClient!"

And the opposite ("Expected: KubernetesClient! Found: Namespaceable<KubernetesClient>!") if I use Namespaceable<KubernetesClient> for the explicit type.

How to invoke this method correctly in Kotlin?

Thanks in advance!

-- Adrien Ferrand

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