kubernetes (rancher) ingress understanding


what i know / have running: i got a running rancher ha setup (2.4.2) on vsphere w/ a L4 nginx lb in front of it. access the ui and provision new clusters (vsphere node driver) works great. I know I'm not in the cloud and cannot use a L7 LB (apart from nip.ip or metal lb maybe), and deploying workloads and expose them via nodeport works great (so the workloads are available on the specified port on each node a according pod is running on).

my question: is it possible to expose (maybe via ingress) applications on any of my running cluster under the domain/adress I can access the rancher ui (in my case: https://rancher-things.local)? like have external (local network, not public) if I would deploy maybe a harbor registry and can somehow expose it like https://rancherthings.local/harbor? or if this would not work is it possible to deploy a L4 load balancer for accessing applications on or in front of a specific cluster?

thank you.

-- Patrick Hermann

2 Answers


@arghya-sadhu, the LB is pointing to the HA cluster (a.k.a upstream/management/rke/ha cluster) running Rancher, not Harbor. It's not recommended to create any other ingresses in this HA cluster. Also, I think the harbor workload is running in a downstream cluster and there is no LB pointing to the nodes of this cluster.

Patrick, you can create a service exposing your application port via http and use Rancher's proxy mechanism to access the UI of your app via the Rancher URL. If you have monitoring enabled in your setup, you can follow how Grafana UI is exposed via this mechanism.

After creating the service, you can find the URL info using the following command:

kubectl -n <your_app_namespace> cluster-info
# or
kubectl cluster-info -A

The downside of this approach is you don't have a dedicated LoadBalancer handling the traffic, but for smaller scale setup, this should be ok.

Example URL of grafana:

-- leodotcloud
Source: StackOverflow


There should be ingress resource already which exposes the rancher ui. You can edit the ingress and add a path /harbor to route the traffic to service for harbor.

  - path: /harbor
      serviceName: harbor
      servicePort: 80
-- Arghya Sadhu
Source: StackOverflow