kubernetes client go watch a resource only one time


I have a concept in my application to delete a JOB and then just recreated it. I have tried to delete the Job, then just sleep for a while and try to recreate it.

but I´m not convinced with this solution it´s not optimistic.

So, After something happened, from my code I will Run a function in a Goroutine.

here's the code inside the function.

func CreateGenerateJob() {
    err = clientset.BatchV1().Jobs("default").Delete(jobName, nil)
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Errorf("could not delete job: %v", err)


    createdJob, err :=  clientset.BatchV1().Jobs("default").Create(job)
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Fatalf("could not create job: %v", err)


This is not Good at all. But, I had the idea to watch for the deleted resources.

So I added a watch function before deleting the Job,

func CreateGenerateJob() {


    err = clientset.BatchV1().Jobs("default").Delete(jobName, nil)
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Errorf("could not delete job: %v", err)


The content of the function is as follows:

func watchForTheJob(clientset kubernetes.Interface) {
    kubeInformerFactory := kubeinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientset, time.Second*30)
    svcInformer := kubeInformerFactory.Batch().V1().Jobs().Informer()

        DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
            logrus.Infof("service deleted: %s \n", obj)
            // Now I can create the Job.
            createdJob, err :=  clientset.BatchV1().Jobs("default").Create(job)
            if err != nil {
              logrus.Fatalf("could not create job: %v", err)
            logrus.Infof("job created: %s", createdJob.Name)

    stop := make(chan struct{})
    defer close(stop)
    for {

The problem is that I´m not sure if the JOB is really available or not. (can the delete happens or not)

Since I´m running the Whole code of this package in a goroutine.

go adapter.CreateGenerateJob()

I would like to exit the Goroutine after successfully the job created, no matter if the job is deleted -> then recreated or just created only.

it might be a solution if on watching for the job, then after creating it, just exit the watch event.

Any, solution for that.

-- medchihebbenjemaa

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