EKS sc / pv / pvc status `Bound` but the Volume isn't showing in UI, AWS EBS list


I can't find my created Volume anywhere, I checked all the AWS-EU zones and nothing.

Here is my YAML:

# apiVersion: v1
# kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
# metadata:
#   name: m1-operation-volume-pvc
#   annotations:
#     volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: retain-aws-storage-class
# spec:
#   accessModes:
#   - ReadWriteMany
#   resources:
#     requests:
#         storage: 50Gi

# ---

# kind: PersistentVolume
# apiVersion: v1
# metadata:
#   name: m1-operation-persistent-volume
#   labels:
#     type: local
# spec:
#   storageClassName: retain-aws-storage-class
#   capacity:
#     storage: 50Gi
#   accessModes:
#     - ReadWriteMany
#   hostPath:
#     path: "/mnt/m1-persistent-volume"

# ---

# apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
# kind: StorageClass
# metadata:
#   name: retain-aws-storage-class
# parameters:
#   type: gp2
#   zone: eu-west-1
#   fsType: ext4
# provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
# reclaimPolicy: Retain
# allowVolumeExpansion: true
# mountOptions:
#   - debug
# volumeBindingMode: Immediate

as you can see my StorageClass has a parameter zone: eu-west-1 but no 50Gi Volume in that zone at all. Can anybody explain what could cause this issue?

kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                    STORAGECLASS               REASON   AGE
m1-operation-persistent-volume            50Gi       RWX            Retain           Bound    jx-develop/m1-operation-volume-pvc      retain-aws-storage-class            8h


kubectl get pvc
NAME                       STATUS   VOLUME                            CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS               AGE
m1-operation-volume-pvc   Bound    m1-operation-persistent-volume   50Gi       RWX            retain-aws-storage-class   8h

My guessing is maybe gp2 doesn't like - ReadWriteMany thing or maybe my pod is not fully up and running and that's why it didn't create the Volume? But says STATUS Bound means it's created and Bounded... Deployment values under spec.containers:

- mountPath: "/mnt/m1-persistent-volume"
  name: "m1-operation-volume"


  - name: m1-operation-volume
      claimName: m1-operation-volume-pvc

My pod :

kubectl get pods
jx-m1-operations-***-**        0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   127        8h

When I am describing the pod fails because of Readiness and Liveness probe /health check, it's app-related, not Volume...

I still need to see it under ELASTIC BLOCK STORE AWS-UI list of Volumes.

Any ideas, where is my Volume? Or maybe it's allocated from EKS cluster resources(locally)...?

-- Valentin

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