In my Kubernetes cluster, I have installed neo4j using Helm Chart. Used the below command.
helm install --name neo4j-helm stable/neo4j --set acceptLicenseAgreement=yes --set imageTag=4.0.1
I have Python Flask application as another service. I am using Py2Neo to connect to neo4j using below code.
graph = Graph(
But, when I am trying to do db operation, it says, Database graph.db is unavailable.
I have the 2 read replicas and 3 core running. I am able to ping from my Python pod to Neo4j service.
In Py2Neo documentation, it is mentioned that,
py2neo does not support routing with a Neo4j causal cluster (bolt+routing). For this functionality, please use the official Neo4j Driver for Python
Could that be the reason?
Looking for a little guidance on this. Thanks.