I'm trying to store a string array as a secret; I have this secrets.yml
file that I'm using in my local environment and works perfectly (values are for explanation purposes only):
- pass_001
- pass_002
- pass_003
The idea is to be able to store multiple passwords, and I want to use them as part of a k8s secret but had no luck so far; something like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: master-passwordz
type: Opaque
secrets.yml: |-
passwordz: CiAgLSBwYXNzXzAwMQogIC0gcGFzc18wMDIKICAtIHBhc3NfMDAz
At the time to try to apply this secret:
kubectl apply -f ./k8s-secrets.yml
I'm getting the following error:
Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "k8s-secrets.yml": Secret in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Secret: v1.Secret.ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta.TypeMeta: Kind: Data: decode base64: illegal base64 data at input byte 3
Any idea if it's possible to accomplish this?
No, the values must be a []byte
, i.e. a string of some kind. You would have to store your array with some kind of encoding (usually JSON) so it's a simple string.
Could you try using "stringData" instead of "data". AFAIK this key should be used when you don't provide complete base64 encoded data in Secrets.