use kubernetes secret in another one


How can I use secret X key my-key in an other secret Y as some-other-key? Both secrets have other keys as well.

Rational: The mysql instance generates a secret containing the passwords for the users with keys mysql-password and mysql-root-password. A custom resource DbInstance expects the name of a secret, which contains the keys user and password. (I use How can I put the value from one into the other?

Of course I can do it manually, by copying the encoded value from kubectl get secret mysql-generated-secret and paste it in kubectl edit secret dbinstance-secret. Is there a better way? A reference in k8s if possible, or a nice automation. (I will find a way like pwd=$(kubectl get secret -o yaml ... | yq .data.mysql-password | base64 -d) && helm update --set password=$pwd ...; unset pwd, but is this the best way?)

similar: Using kubernetes secrets in a configmap

-- simohe

1 Answer


Best way to automate this is by using an operator. listen on secret mysql-generated-secret, on creation or modification trigger -> create dbinstance-secret

Here is an operator who sync secrets between namespaces, you can use the same base code and modify it to your needs.

-- NicoKowe
Source: StackOverflow