I've a terraform script for my AWS EKS cluster and the following pieces there:
provider "helm" {
alias = "helm"
debug = true
kubernetes {
host = module.eks.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = module.eks.ca_certificate
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
load_config_file = false
resource "helm_release" "prometheus_operator" {
provider = "helm"
depends_on = [
chart = "stable/prometheus-operator"
name = "prometheus-operator"
values = [
wait = false
version = "8.12.12"
With this setup it takes ~15 minutes to install the required chart with terraform apply and sometimes it fails (with helm ls
giving pending-install
status). On the other hand if use the following command:
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -f staging/prometheus-operator-values.yaml --version 8.12.12 --debug
the required chart gets installed in ~3 minutes and never fails. What is the reason for this behavior?
Here is a log file from a failed installation. It's quit big - 5.6M. What bothers me a bit is located in line no 47725
and 56045
What's more, helm status prometheus-operator
gives valid output (as if it was successfully installed), however there're no pods defined.
I've also raised an issue.