gcloud: Project "Stuck" in Free Trial


I'm building an SPA on Kubernetes, and I'm trying to configure a ManagedCertificate to get HTTPS working on the backend. I have the front-end and back-end each running on services with their own Ingress and external IP.

I also only have no other projects on Google cloud.

I've successfully gotten the front-end using HTTPS by setting up a ManagedCertificate on the front-end Ingress, following this tutorial. I'm now trying to do the exact same thing with the back-end Ingress, prescribing it its own ManagedCertificate, but when I get to this step:

gcloud compute addresses create address-name --global

I get the following error message:

- Quota 'STATIC_ADDRESSES' exceeded. Limit: 1.0 globally.

This is strange because I'm no longer on a free trial, and the limit should be 8, not 1. I confirmed this by checking that I had billing set up on my Google Cloud Console, no banner telling me to upgrade from a free trial, and access to paid features like being able to request an upgrade on Quotas.

I then tried checking my quotas on the GUI console and confirmed I had only used 1 out of the 8 global static IP addresses.

enter image description here

Then I tried creating it via the GUI console instead of through the regular console

enter image description here

But got the same error message there to...

enter image description here

I even tried request increase button which prefilled to telling me I have 8 global static IPs available and only 1 in use. So I requested it get set from 8 to 8, so maybe it could trigger some "update" on their side, but I just got an email saying sth along the lines of there's nothing to do. So I just requested a quota downgrade from 8 to 7, hoping that it somehow updates their system (lol).

I'm pretty lost on this. One suspicion I have as to why this may be happening is because I created the project during my free trial, so maybe there's something that's causing the project quotas to still be "stuck" in that mode.


I tried creating a new project and declaring some global static IPs and it worked fine. This means this project I created before hand is somehow "stuck" in free trial mode. Has anyone dealt with something like this before?

Edit 2

Ended up just deleting the project and starting another one. Weird.

-- Diego Balvin

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