How to reuse SSH tunnel in Terraform


I have to create a k8s job via Terraform and somehow organize the mechanism of waiting for this job to be completed (since Terraform fails to do this I figured out nothing better than using a null resource with a command that waits for k8s job (namely kubectl wait). This stuff will be executed in a Docker container on a CI. Moreover, I need to go through the Bastion to get to the k8s cluster. I use an SSH tunnel for that:

provider "ssh" {
  port = ....
provider "kubernetes" {
  config_context         = "..."
  config_context_cluster = "..."
  host                   = "api.${k8s_host}:${data.ssh_tunnel.k8s.port}"

data "ssh_tunnel" "k8s" {
  host           = ""
  local_address  = "localhost:0"
  remote_address = "api.${k8s_host}:443"

All k8s resources successfully create so I assume that SSH tunnel works fine. But how to use it for a null resource? Here is it:

resource "null_resource" "wait" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    connection {
      type = "ssh"
      bastion_host =
      bastion_private_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
      bastion_port = data.ssh_tunnel.k8s.port
      host = "api.${k8s_host}"
      port = 443
    command = "kubectl wait ...."
  triggers = {
    job_ids = join(", ", kubernetes_job.a-job.*.id)

But no luck, I got "The connection to the server api.${k8s_host} was refused - did you specify the right host or port?"

So there are two questions: 1. How to wait for a job in a different way 2. If 1 is impossible (I'm sure that it is) how to reuse the SSH tunnel in the right way.

P.S Yes, I read the documentation but I definitely do smth wrong.

-- MarDeS

1 Answer


I figured out how to reuse SSH tunnel opened by Terraform:

resource "null_resource" "wait" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
  command = "kubectl wait --server=https://api.${k8s_host}:${data.ssh_tunnel.k8s.port} --for=condition=complete --timeout=3000s job/a-job"
  triggers = {
    job_ids = join(", ", kubernetes_job.a-job.*.id)
-- MarDeS
Source: StackOverflow