I have created a sample application which needs be run inside a kubernetes cluster. For now I am trying to replicate the same environment in my local machine by using Minikube.
Here I have a .Net Core WebAPI service which need to be connect to a MSSQL database. The service is running inside the cluster my the database is in my local machine. I have also created a service to access my MSSQL database engine which at outside the cluster but in my local machine. Here is my configuration file.
My local ip address is
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mssql
- protocol: TCP
port: 3050
targetPort: 1433
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: mssql
- addresses:
- ip: ""
- port: 1433
Pod Connection String
Server=mssql\MSSQLSERVER2017,3050;Database=product-db;User Id=sa;Password=pwd@123;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;
But with the above configuration, it doesn't seems working and throw a connection error. Can someone please tell me where I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.