Providing the persistent volume of standard type for statefulSet fails


I get the following errors in the cloud console after the deployment of a statefulset (bitnami/redis) with the PVC:

(combined from similar events): Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "standard": googleapi: Error 503: Internal error. Please try again or contact Google Support. (Code: '-295147017683364552'), backendError

How this problem can be fixed? Do I really need to contact the support?

-- alexjet

1 Answer


According to Google API Error Codes:

HTTP: 503 RPC: UNAVAILABLE Description: Service unavailable.

Typically the server is down. Clients may retry on 503 UNAVAILABLE errors with exponential backoff. The minimum delay should be 1s unless it is documented otherwise.

It looks like some temporary instability with the cloud console API.

I'd recommend contacting Google Cloud Support to assess what's happening:

  • On your console click on the question mark (?) in the top-right part of the screen, then click in "Get Support".

Your only other option would be to wait a few hours and trying again.

The nature of the error does not hints as being an issue with the StatefulSet deployment.

If I can help you any further let me know in the comments.

-- willrof
Source: StackOverflow