I am setting an environment variable in a docker container whose value I receive at run time.
- name: POD_INFO
value: {{ Values.resolved_when_the_container_starts }}
I want to use this value inside an XML file. Is there a way I can do this ?
Something like
<value>this place should pick up the value from that environment variable</value>
Neither Kubernetes nor Helm provide a way to template ConfigMaps or any other files. What you're probably looking for is init container, which starts before your container and which can execute any custom script you want. Then, you can modify the configuration file with your environment variable.
You could use envsubst and call it in your entrypoint.sh
script. You will have to define your variable first and then substitute them with envsubst
kminehart explaines very well how envsubst
works in one of the github cases.
# mytemplate.tmpl
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
# ...
architecture: ${GOOS}
GOOS=amd64 envsubst < mytemplate.tmpl > mydeployment.yaml
# mydeployment.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
# ...
architecture: amd64
Another way of env substition is sed
. Here is a good article that shows how it works.
sed -i -g "s/[target_expression]/[replace_expression/g" <file>