I have a scenario where I want to use Helm to deploy per environment Airflow configurations that use the KubernetesExecutor.
The issue I am running into is I need to the Scheduler mount per environment ConfigMaps in the Worker Pods when the KubernetesExecutor spawns them.
I have those ConfigMaps mounted fine in the Web and Scheduler pods, but I don't see a means to tell the KubernetesExecutor to mount specific ConfigMaps.
I don't see anywhere in the documentation how to do this, but I can't be the only one who wants their Docker Images to be environment agnostic and abstract everything away to the Helm level.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated :)
I believe the easiest way to do this is by specifying the env_from_configmap_ref
setting in your airflow.cfg
as described here. If the configmaps are the same name in your different environments, this should be quite straight forward, e.g.
env_from_configmap_ref = <your-airflow-configmap>
If you have configmaps with different names in different environments (and can't make naming consistent), then you may need to specify the airflow.cfg
in a configmap itself like in this example.