I am currently working on a bash
script to reduce the time it takes for me to build the db
for a project. Currently I have several databases running in the same namespace and I want to extract only the specific pod name.
I run kubectl get pods
elastic 1/1 Running 0 37h
mysql 1/1 Running 0 37h
Now I want to save one of the pod names.
I'm currently running this foo=$(kubectl get pods | grep -e "mysql")
and it returns mysql 1/1 Running 0 37h
which is the expected results of the command. Now I just want to be able to extract the pod name as that variable so that I can pass it on at a later time.
This should work for you
foo=$(kubectl get pods | awk '{print $1}' | grep -e "mysql")
If I'm not mistaken, you merely needs to get only pod names to reuse these later.
The kubectl get --help
provides a lot of good information on what you can achieve with just a kubectl
without invoking the rest of the heavy artillery like awk
, sed
, etc.
List a single pod in JSON output format.
kubectl get -o json pod web-pod-13je7
List resource information in custom columns.
kubectl get pod test-pod -o custom-columns=CONTAINER:.spec.containers[0].name,IMAGE:.spec.containers[0].image
Return only the phase value of the specified pod.
kubectl get -o template pod/web-pod-13je7 --template={{.status.phase}}
In this particular case I see at least 2 workarounds :
1) Custom columns. You can get virtually any output (and then you can grep
if needed):
$ kubectl get pods --no-headers=true -o custom-columns=NAME_OF_MY_POD:.metadata.name
2) jsonpath (the one @vault provided):
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items..metadata.name}'
Hope that sheds light on options you have to choose from. Let us know if that helps.
already allows you to extract only the names:
kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='{.items..metadata.name}' | fgrep mysql