I am having issues mounting my PV/PVC using kubernetes executor. I have the KubernetesPodOperator working with the volume mounts but I cannot see the volume mounted when trying to translate it into the kubernetes executor config. How do we write an executor which uses a specific PV/PVC?
My PV/PVC are both named airflow1data
Here are two example tasks where I cannot see the mounted volume:
## Testing passing in PVC
one_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="df -h",
executor_config={"KubernetesExecutor": {
"image": "ubuntu:16.04",
"request_memory": '128Mi',
"limit_memory": '128Mi',
"volumes": [
"name": 'airflow1data',
"persistentVolumeClaim": {"claimName": 'airflow1data'},
"hostPath": {"path": "/tmp/"}
"volume_mounts": [
'mountPath': "/mnt/test/",
'name': "airflow1data"
# Similar to example from sample dags in airflow repo
four_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="df -h",
"KubernetesExecutor": {
"volumes": [
"name": "airflow1data",
"hostPath": {"path": "/tmp/"},
"volume_mounts": [
"mountPath": "/foo/",
"name": "airflow1data",