I am doing the end of course work and I would like to know if I can make a regular volume a shared directory with ftp, that is to say that when you mount the disk kubeneretes takes the directory of the external ftp server.
I know it can be done with NFS but I would like to do it with SFTP.
Thanks in advance.
There is code floating around for a FlexVolume plugin which delegates the actual mount to FUSE: https://github.com/adelton/kubernetes-flexvolume-fuse
But I have no idea if that will even compile anymore, and FlexVolume is on its way out in favor of CSI. You could write a CSI plugin on top of the FUSE FS but I don't know of any such thing already existing.
More commonly what you would do is use a RWX shared volume (such as NFS) and mount it to both the SFTP server and whatever your hosting app pod is.