How to read an OpenShift Failed Scheduling error message?



When a deployment fails on our OpenShift 3.11 instance because of a Failed Scheduling error event, a message comparable to this is shown:

Failed Scheduling 0/11 nodes are available: 10 CheckServiceAffinity, 2 ExistingPodsAntiAffinityRulesNotMatch, 2 MatchInterPodAffinity, 5 MatchNodeSelector.


Now, "0/11 nodes are available" is pretty clear, but what do the numbers in front of each predicate mean?

  1. For example, does "10 CheckServiceAffinity" mean that the deployment of the pod isn't possible because, on ten nodes, the preconditions wouldn't be met?
  2. Does the order of predicates have a meaning? Is there a reference doc of Scheduler errors? I couldn't find comprehensive documentation on this kind of error.

Remark: I'm not searching for advice on how to solve the cause of the shown error, I want to extend my error analysis skills.

-- dajood

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