I have domain based microservices architecture but want to handle exception handling in more generic way...I want a wrapper kind of service in generic way so that I can utilise this to send meaningful messages to upstream systems... I heard of proxy and filters but can somebody guide on how to implement or any other way ... Reason of implementing separately is, I don't want to modify each end point call on code
You should look into Nginx Ingress controller and use custom-http-errors.
Enables which HTTP codes should be passed for processing with the error_page directive
Setting at least one code also enables proxy_intercept_errors which are required to process error_page.
Example usage:
custom-http-errors: 404,415
This would work with creating a ConfigMap to ingress controller:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: nginx-configuration-ext
custom-http-errors: 502,503,504
proxy-next-upstream-tries: "2"
server-tokens: "false"
Also have a look at this blog post.
Another way would be adding Annotations
to your ingress, it will catch the errors you want and redirect it to different service in this case nginx-errors-svc
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/default-backend: nginx-errors-svc
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/custom-http-errors: 404,503
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/default-backend: error-pages
If you will have issues using that try using server-snippet which will add custom configuration in the server configuration block :
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/server-snippet: |
location @custom_503 {
return 404;
error_page 503 @custom_503;
You should consider reading Custom Error Handling with the Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller and Custom Error Page for Nginx Ingress Controller.