AWS alb-ingress-controller failed to create ALB in EKS fargate


Hello Kubernetes experts! I was trying to follow the documentation below to create an alb-ingress-controller with ingress resources-

It's supposed to create an alb and bind the address field of Kubernetes ingress but the address field of ingress is empty! No error.

I documented the steps in my blog at and you can see address of ingress is empty! Ingress PODs are running fine.

I could create an alb manually which is what I did but it defeats the purpose. Any idea why alb didn't get created?

Thanks, Prodip

-- Prodip

1 Answer


This issue is resolved. Posted the question to github and, guess what, developer knew the problem! See answer at the link below-

ALB ran into errors because I quoted the values in the args section of alb-ingress-controller. Args value should not be in quotes. Previously, those values were quoted and I got errors in the ingress controller logs.

Once I deleted the alb-ingress-controller and recreated, ALB was provisioned along with listener, rules, targets, security group, etc. based on the ingress resource definition. Now I can see the address and port fields are populated at the ingress.:)-

Error logs from ingress controller POD: E0324 01:43:45.026893 1 controller.go:217] kubebuilder/controller "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="failed to build LoadBalancer configuration due to unable to fetch subnets. Error: WebIdentityErr: fa iled to retrieve credentials\ncaused by: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Post https://sts.'us-east-1' dial tcp: lookup sts.'us-east-1' no such host" "controller "="alb-ingress-controller" "request"={"Namespace":"default","Name":"aspnetapp-ingress"}

Ingress Controller deployment definition:

enter image description here

-- Prodip
Source: StackOverflow