Hello Kubernetes experts! I was trying to follow the documentation below to create an alb-ingress-controller with ingress resources- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/using-alb-ingress-controller-with-amazon-eks-on-fargate/
It's supposed to create an alb and bind the address field of Kubernetes ingress but the address field of ingress is empty! No error.
I documented the steps in my blog at https://blogs.aspnet4you.com/2020/03/17/run-serverless-kubernetes-pods-using-amazon-eks-and-aws-fargate/ and you can see address of ingress is empty! Ingress PODs are running fine.
I could create an alb manually which is what I did but it defeats the purpose. Any idea why alb didn't get created?
Thanks, Prodip
This issue is resolved. Posted the question to github and, guess what, developer knew the problem! See answer at the link below- https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-alb-ingress-controller/issues/1202
ALB ran into errors because I quoted the values in the args section of alb-ingress-controller. Args value should not be in quotes. Previously, those values were quoted and I got errors in the ingress controller logs.
Once I deleted the alb-ingress-controller and recreated, ALB was provisioned along with listener, rules, targets, security group, etc. based on the ingress resource definition. Now I can see the address and port fields are populated at the ingress.:)-
Error logs from ingress controller POD: E0324 01:43:45.026893 1 controller.go:217] kubebuilder/controller "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="failed to build LoadBalancer configuration due to unable to fetch subnets. Error: WebIdentityErr: fa iled to retrieve credentials\ncaused by: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Post https://sts.'us-east-1'.amazonaws.com/: dial tcp: lookup sts.'us-east-1'.amazonaws.com: no such host" "controller "="alb-ingress-controller" "request"={"Namespace":"default","Name":"aspnetapp-ingress"}
Ingress Controller deployment definition: