I use docker desktop and minikube on Windows 10. I found the ip address of local docker repository with minikube docker-env
command like below,
> minikube docker-env
SET DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\joseph\.minikube\certs
REM To point your shell to minikube's docker-daemon, run:
REM @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minikube -p minikube docker-env') DO @%i
And I set the ip address of docker daemon with above DOCKER_HOST
value, not localhost
and I can use locally built docker images without errors. But in the case of minikube dashboard, the ip address is always localhost( when I type minikube dashboard
command. So I can not generate kubernetes namespace and persistent volume. It throws error
the server could not find the requested resource
I think this issue is the matter of authorization with different ip addresses. How to configure the static or specific ip address and port number on minukube dashboard so I can generate namespace and persistent volumes without such errors on minikube dashboard?
If I understand correctly you are trying to access kubernetes dashboard from remote host. When running minikube dashboard
, minikube binary runs kubectl proxy
command under the hood.
By default running kubectl proxy
binds to loopback interface of your local machine, therefore it can't be accessed from outside.
You can't change minikube cli bahaviour (without changing source code) but what you can do is to note down path to a dashboard:
and run kubectl proxy
by your self adding --address
paramater with
So now running this you will see:
$ kubectl proxy --address
Starting to serve on [::]:8001
Now open a browser on your remote host and go to:
That's it. Let me know if it helped.