I follow mainly the following article, at the end I have the following issue while trying to deploy new objects to the cluster
error: unable to recognize "./[different files].yaml": Get https://api.[mycluster]/api?timeout=32s: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I think that I have to pass kube cert effectively some where in travis configuration file, any suggestion please
Effectively, the problem was related to cluster certificates, in the article cited previously there is a base64 encoding issue which will make fail the secrets injection. so we have to add information to the kubernetes config file, we find the following block in inject_secret.sh
./kubectl config set clusters.udagramk8s.kops.ucci.uk.certificate-authority-data $CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITY_DATA
./kubectl config set users.udagramk8s.kops.ucci.uk.client-certificate-data "$CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_DATA"
./kubectl config set users.udagramk8s.kops.ucci.uk.client-key-data "$CLIENT_KEY_DATA"
./kubectl config set users.udagramk8s.kops.ucci.uk.password "$KUBE_PASSWORD"
./kubectl config set users.udagramk8s.kops.ucci.uk.net-basic-auth.password "$KUBE_PASSWORD"
And what we have to do to ensure the presence of these env variables, is to add them simply by the Travis-CI console, under project settings section
Note: we can get the variables values by using the following command cat ~/.kube/config