Harbor Helm on EKS Configurations


I am trying to install harbor on an EKS cluster via helm. I am connecting via session-manager in AWS. I installed all of the dependencies within except the ingress. I am basically following the steps in this guide: https://medium.com/@petr.ruzicka/harbor-cloud-native-registry-and-kubernetes-838c0937cd67

when I run the harbor install command it seems to be succesful, and tells me to wait a few mins before asking the harbor external url, when I wait and try to access it does not successfully show the url and has a page that can not be found.

I am trying to identify why. is this because ingress needs to be set, or is there a configuration that needs to be set that I am missing. If the configuration has to be set to I have to go within the harbor pod to make the configuration? I am kind of lost. any help would be appreciated. please elaborate responses with details.

harbor installation commands in session-manager that says the url is up but when accessing does not show: 
helm ls | grep harbor || \
helm install --wait --name harbor --namespace harbor-system harbor/harbor --version v1.2.1 \
  --set expose.ingress.hosts.core=harbor.${pasted my domain here} \
  --set expose.ingress.hosts.notary=notary.${pasted my domain here} \
  --set persistence.enabled=false \
  --set externalURL=https://harbor.${myharbor.dev} \
  --set harborAdminPassword=pastedmypasswordhere
-- luv2code123

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