Volumemounts created as root:artifact though security context provided


Issue: Deploying Artifactory as a deployment in Kubernetes. The VolumeMounts are being mounted as root:artifact and permissions of drwxr-sr-x

drwxr-sr-x    2 root     artifact      4096 Jan 24 17:52 etc
-rw-r--r--    1 root     artifact      1048 Jan 24 17:48 artifactory.config.import.yml
-rw-r--r--    1 root     artifact     12703 Jan 24 17:48 artifactory.system.properties

Expected: The VolumeMount should be mounted as artifact:artifact with read and write permissions

kubernetes manifest file its incomplete due to restriction

        runAsUser: 1030
        runAsGroup: 1030
        fsGroup: 1030

        - name: artifactory-volume
          mountPath: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory"
        - name: bootstrap
          mountPath: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/artifactory.config.import.yml"
          subPath: bootstrap
        - name: artifactory-system-properties
          mountPath: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/artifactory.system.properties"
          subPath: artifactory.system.properties
            cpu: "3"
            memory: 6Gi
            cpu: "2"
            memory: 4Gi

      - name: bootstrap
          secretName: artifactory6170-artifactory
      - name: artifactory-system-properties
          name: artifactory6170-artifactory-system-properties
      - name: artifactory-volume
          claimName: artifactory6170-artifactory

Kubernetes Version :

Server Version: version.Info{
  Major: "1",
  Minor: "14",
  GitVersion: "v1.14.1",
  GitCommit: "b7394102d6ef778017f2ca4046abbaa23b88c290",
  GitTreeState: "clean",
  BuildDate: "2019-04-08T17:02:58Z",
  GoVersion: "go1.12.1",
  Compiler: "gc",
  Platform: "linux/amd64"

I believe the security context covers the required

        runAsUser: 1030

runs the process as 1030

        runAsGroup: 1030

Any files created will also be owned by user 1030 and group 1030 when runAsGroup is specified. runs

        fsGroup: 1030

the owner of any volume attached will be owner by group ID 1099.

Docker file path

Not sure why the container comes up with wrong user ownership, any help would be really appreciated.


kubectl logs artifactory6170-artifactory-756cffb9-68zjj
2020-01-26 12:28:13  [719 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Preparing to run Artifactory in Docker
2020-01-26 12:28:13  [720 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Running as uid=1030(artifactory) gid=1030(artifactory) groups=1030(artifactory)
2020-01-26 12:28:13   [57 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Dockerfile for this image can found inside the container.
2020-01-26 12:28:13   [58 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] To view the Dockerfile: 'cat /docker/artifactory-pro/Dockerfile.artifactory'.
2020-01-26 12:28:13   [63 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Checking open files and processes limits
2020-01-26 12:28:13   [66 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Current max open files is 1048576
2020-01-26 12:28:13   [78 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Current max open processes is unlimited
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [211 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Testing directory /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory has read/write permissions for user 'artifactory' (id 1030)
/entrypoint-artifactory.sh: line 180: /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/test-permissions: Permission denied
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [229 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] ###########################################################
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [230 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory DOES NOT have proper permissions for user 'artifactory' (id 1030)
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [231 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Directory: /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory, permissions: 2775, owner: artifactory, group: artifactory
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [232 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] Mounted directory must have read/write permissions for user 'artifactory' (id 1030)
2020-01-26 12:31:13  [233 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] ###########################################################
2020-01-26 12:31:13   [47 entrypoint-artifactory.sh] ERROR: Directory /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory has bad permissions for user 'artifactory' (id 1030)
-- Roger

2 Answers


As explained here, here, here and here you cannot change the permission of mounted directory.

As a work around you can use initContainer which runs before the actual container to change the permission to the directory:

- name: volume-mount
  image: busybox
  command: ["sh", "-c", "chown -R 1030:1030 <your_directory>"]
  - name: <your volume>
    mountPath: <your mountPath>
-- KFC_
Source: StackOverflow


All i had to do was add an initContainer and mount the Configmaps to /tmp and have it moved to the necessary path /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc/, instead of mounting the configmap in the volumemount /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory.

Reason: ConfigMaps are ReadOnly hence /etc was and would always be Readonly.

  - name: "grant-permissions"
    image: "busybox:1.26.2"
      runAsUser: 0
    imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    - 'sh'
    - '-c'
    - 'mkdir /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc ; cp -vf /tmp/artifactory* /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/etc ; chown -R 1030:1030 /var/opt/jfrog/ ; rm -rfv /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/lost+found'

    - mountPath: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory"
      name: artifactory-volume
    - name: bootstrap
      mountPath: "/tmp/artifactory.config.import.yml"
      subPath: bootstrap
      readOnly: false
    - name: artifactory-system-properties
      mountPath: "/tmp/artifactory.system.properties"
      subPath: artifactory.system.properties
      readOnly: false

then mount the volume to the main container that runs artifactory

  - name: artifactory
    image: "registry.eu02.dsg.arm.com/sqa/artifactory-pro:6.17.0"

  - name: artifactory-volume
    mountPath: "/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory"
-- Roger
Source: StackOverflow