I'm fighting with wired case. I need to push cloudformation stacks dynamically parameterized with terraform.
My resource looks like this.
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "eks-single-az" {
count = length(var.single_az_node_groups)
name = "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}"
template_body = <<EOF
Description: "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}"
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
AutoScalingGroupName: "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}"
VPCZoneIdentifier: ["${var.private_subnet_ids[count.index]}"]
MinSize: "${lookup(var.single_az_node_groups[count.index], "asg_min", "0")}"
MaxSize: "${lookup(var.single_az_node_groups[count.index], "asg_max", "10")}"
HealthCheckType: EC2
TargetGroupARNs: [] < - here is error.
OnDemandBaseCapacity: "0"
OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity: "${lookup(var.single_az_node_groups[count.index], "on_demand_percentage", "0")}"
LaunchTemplateId: "${aws_launch_template.eks-single-az[count.index].id}"
Version: "${aws_launch_template.eks-single-az[count.index].latest_version}"
InstanceType: m5.large
- Key: "Name"
Value: "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}"
PropagateAtLaunch: true
- Key: "kubernetes.io/cluster/${var.cluster_name}"
Value: "owned"
PropagateAtLaunch: true
- Key: "k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled"
Value: "true"
PropagateAtLaunch: true
- Key: "k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/${var.cluster_name}"
Value: "true"
PropagateAtLaunch: true
MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent: 80
MinInstancesInService: "${lookup(data.external.desired_capacity.result, "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}", "0")}"
PauseTime: PT4M
- HealthCheck
- ReplaceUnhealthy
- AZRebalance
- AlarmNotification
- ScheduledActions
WaitOnResourceSignals: true
depends_on = [
I need to put target groups arn from list containing json objects:
single_az_node_groups = [
"name" : "workload-az1",
"instance_type" : "t2.micro",
"asg_min" : "1",
"asg_max" : "7",
"target_group_arns" : "arnA, arnB, arnC"
I tried everything. Problem is that i tried many terraform functions and all the time terraform is addding some double-quotes which cloudformation does not support or terraform won't process the template_body becuase of missing quotes..
Do you know meybe some sneaky trick how to achive that ?
When building strings that represent serialized data structures, it's much easier to use Terraform's built-in serialization functions to construct the result, rather than trying to produce a valid string using string templates.
In this case, we can use jsonencode
to construct a JSON string representing the template_body
from a Terraform object value, which then allows using all of the Terraform language expression features to build it:
template_body = jsonencode({
Description: "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}",
Resources: {
ASG: {
Type: "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
Properties: {
AutoScalingGroupName: "eks-${var.cluster_name}-${var.single_az_node_groups[count.index].name}",
VPCZoneIdentifier: [var.private_subnet_ids[count.index]],
MinSize: lookup(var.single_az_node_groups[count.index], "asg_min", "0"),
MaxSize: lookup(var.single_az_node_groups[count.index], "asg_max", "10"),
HealthCheckType: "EC2",
TargetGroupArns: flatten([
for g in local.single_az_node_groups : [
split(", ", g.target_group_arns)
# etc, etc
As you can see above, by using jsonencode
for the entire data structure we can then use Terraform expression operators to build the values. For TargetGroupArns
in the above example I used the flatten
function along with a for
expression to transform the nested local.single_az_node_groups
data structure into a flat list of target group ARN strings.
CloudFormation supports both JSON and YAML, and Terraform also has a yamlencode
function that you could potentially use instead of jsonencode
here. I chose jsonencode
both because yamlencode
is currently marked as experimental (the exact YAML formatting it produces may change in a later release) and because Terraform has special support for JSON formatting in the plan output where it can show a structural diff of the data structure inside, rather than a string-based diff.