Which one should I use certmanager.k8s.io or certmanager.io in OpenShift?


I am trying user cert-manager to manage certificate in OpenShift, but I saw some examples used apiVersion: cert-manager.io, some examples used apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io.

I check them in my OpenShift, seems there is only certmanager.k8s.io, even though I have installed the latest cer-manager.

# oc get crd | grep certmanager.k8s.io
certificates.certmanager.k8s.io                             2020-01-07T17:27:09Z
challenges.certmanager.k8s.io                               2020-01-07T17:27:10Z
clusterissuers.certmanager.k8s.io                           2020-01-07T17:27:08Z
issuers.certmanager.k8s.io                                  2020-01-07T17:27:09Z
orders.certmanager.k8s.io                                   2020-01-07T17:27:09Z

I am confused, what difference for them? Which one should I use? Thanks your ideas.

-- Joe

1 Answer


Due to new policies in the upstream Kubernetes project, we have renamed the API group from certmanager.k8s.io to cert-manager.io.renamed-api-group

Here is the upstream k8s KEP K8s group-protection

You should use cert-manager.io api group in the yaml.

-- Suresh Vishnoi
Source: StackOverflow